Action plan for the ICRI secretariat (2009-2011)
- To continue the implementation of the ICRI “framework for actions” and “renewed call to action”, and reformulate a new “call to action”.
- To strengthen the participation of international and U.N. organizations and countries(founding countries and countries with large surface of coral reefs) at ICRI by diplomatic actions, and involve the private sector and foundations.
- To promote regional cooperation at the ICRI General Meeting by organizing a regional day during the General Meeting.
- Promote the international tools on coral reef management. To continue the ongoing actions on Marine Protected Areas and MPAs networks, and initiate a discussion on the large marine protected areas.
- To dedicate actions on related ecosystems: mangroves and sea grass beds.
- Support the ICRI Networks, and participate actively in the animation and implementation of their programme.
- Facilitate the organization of the International Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management Symposium (ITMEMS).
- Organize ICRI General Meetings.
Since July 1st 2009 and until December 31st, 2011, the ICRI secretariat is be co-chaired by France and Samoa, in relation with Monaco. For France, the co-chair is the Ambassador for the Environment, Jean-Pierre Thébault. Patrick Van Klaveren, Ambassadeur de Monaco auprès de Sa Majesté le Roi d’Espagne, and Permanent Representative to Scientific, Environmental and Humanitarian International Bodies, is the focal point for the Principality of Monaco.
The incoming secretariat congratulates the United States and Mexico for their work related to coral reef conservation and the accomplishments during their term.
Jean-Pierre Thébault (France)
Ambassador for the Environment
Ms Faalavaau Perina Sila
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Assistant Chief Executive Officer
Francis Staub
[email protected]
Pascal Colin
Ministère en charge de l’Outremer
[email protected]
Bernard Moutou
Ministère de l’écologie, de l’énergie, du développement durable et de la mer
[email protected]