ICRI’s Ad Hoc Committees (AHCs) are temporary working groups that tackle a specific topic or issue related to ICRI’s objectives. AHCs provide a voice, a coordination platform and/or an official mechanism to address important coral-reef related issues or ICRI organizational issues. They work to Terms of References adopted by ICRI members during General Meetings.
Current Ad Hoc Committees
- Integrating coral reefs into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
- Reef Restoration
Recently closed committees
- Post-2020 Coral Reef Target
- Resilience-Based Management
- Caribbean Regional Response to Lionfish Invasion (Regional Lionfish Committee)
- Economic Valuation of Coral Reef Ecosystems
- Enforcement and Evaluation (Coral Reef CSI)
- Coral Reef Associated Fisheries
- 6th International Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management Symposium
Interested in forming an AHC?
Make sure you have a read of the procedures first!
And follow these basic steps:
1. Identify a need for a Committee
The ICRI Secretariat, or ICRI members, may identify a topic area or a specific issue that may benefit from being progressed through a formalized committee, either because it provides a coordinated platform that cannot be provided elsewhere, or because it could benefit from specific attention by ICRI members. When such a need arises and potential Chairs are identified, a new committee may be formed. The potential Chair(s) should submit a paper at ICRI’s next General Meeting, in consultation with the ICRI Secretariat, to seek ICRI members’ approval for the formation of the committee for a determined amount of time, and recruit members.
2. Identify members
Once the creation of the Committee is approved, its membership should be finalized. Chairs may solicit interested members via the ICRI Secretariat.
3. Develop Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference (ToRs) should be developed by the Chair(s) in consultation with AHC members. They then should be sent to the ICRI Secretariat for who will submit the ToRs to the ICRI Membership at its next General Meeting.
4. Implement actions identified in ToRs and report on them
Once ToRs are officially adopted, the AHC can start implementing actions listed in the ToRs. Progress on these actions should be reported on at ICRI meetings, via a Members’ Report, a presentation, a meeting paper or a motion as deemed appropriate. AHCs can seek an extension of their term, to be endorsed by ICRI Members at General Meetings.