Coral Bleaching Latest News

The Ocean Agency - Fluorescing | Ocean Image Bank

The pages aims to collate the latest news with respect to coral reef bleaching announcements an observations on national, regional and global-scales. Should you any additional news items or announcements that you would like to include on this page, please contact Tom Dallison at the ICRI Secretariat.

CORDIO East Africa release the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Regional Bleaching Alert Summary Report for the 2024 season

09 July 2024

This report highlights substantial thermal stress on WIO coral reefs in early 2024, marking the fourth global coral bleaching event as of 15 April 2024. It includes data analyses and recommendations for mitigating future coral bleaching impacts. The 2024 coral bleaching season in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) was severe due to El Niño, positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) phases, and record global temperatures starting in May 2023. These conditions elevated sea surface temperatures, causing widespread coral bleaching and mortality. 73% of field observations showed moderate to severe bleaching: 43.3% medium severity and 30.9% high severity. Coral mortality was mostly low (34.3%) and medium (29.1%), with 9.9% high mortality. Further high-mortality cases may be confirmed later.

Download the Report (.pdf)

Mass coral bleaching threatens Malaysia’s marine biodiversity, says Fisheries Dept

23 June 2024

Coral reefs in the country are experiencing significant mass coral bleaching due to rising sea surface temperatures, potentially having serious implications for marine biodiversity, coral reef fisheries and tourism in Malaysia.

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40% Coral Bleaching Recorded in Singapore

23 June 2024

Coral bleaching in Singapore has worsened amid high sea-surface temperatures, with about 40 per cent of reefs in the shallow waters of the Southern Islands, further compounded by an oil spill on June 14.

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Little to no bleaching on Australia’s western coral reefs and the 2023/24 El Niño comes to an end.

28 May 2024

Australian Institute of Marine Science report little to no bleaching on Western Australia’s coralreefs, and Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology indicate that the most recent El Niño event has ended, with neutral conditions expected to remain until July.

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Monsoon winds cool the Western Indian Ocean, leading to a hope that ‘bleaching season’ in the region has come to an end.

27 May 2024

The monsoon winds intensified over the last two weeks, leading to further cooling of the Western Indian Ocean basin. Bleaching season is coming to an end with few reports of mortality and recovery across sites in Kenya and Tanzania- leading to a further urge for the submission of bleaching observations and post-bleaching monitoring.

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‘Boiling not warming’: Marine life suffers as Thai sea temperatures hit record

24 May 2024

Aquatic life from coral reefs to fish along Thailand’s eastern gulf coast is suffering as sea surface temperatures hit record highs this month amid a regional heatwave, report Reuters. The Trat archipelago is home to over 66 islands, with over 28.4 square kilometres of coral reef, where up to 30% of coral life has bleached and 5% already indicating bleaching-induced mortality.

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The Reef Authority release their latest bleaching update from the Great Barrier Reef

24 May 2024

On the Great Barrier Reef, sea surface temperatures are currently below the threshold that typically causes heat stress to corals; however they are still 1 degree above the average for May.

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Report confirms Great Barrier Reef has suffered worst summer on record

17 April 2024

The Great Barrier Reef has suffered the worst summer on record, enduring cyclones, severe flooding, crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks and a mass coral bleaching event, an Australian Government report has today confirmed.

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Western Indian Ocean: Temperatures in decline in the Western Indian Ocean with no coral mortality reported.

19 April 2024

CORDIO East Africa have released their second ‘Western Indian Ocean Bleaching Alert’ in April 2024. Temperatures are in decline across the region and no coral mortality has yet been reported. Widespread moderate bleaching in northern parts of the WIO should stabilize and dissipate in coming weeks, with only slight residual risk in Kenya/Somalia and NW

Read the Bleaching Alert 19 April 2024
Read previous bleaching alerts

Western Indian Ocean: Widespread bleaching reported in Kenya and Tanzania, but little mortality evident. Peak temperatures likely reached, portending reduced risk in the coming weeks.

01 April 2024

CORDIO East Africa have released their ‘Western Indian Ocean Bleaching Alert’ for April 2024. The entire Western Indian Ocean (WIO) region is uniformly hot, with intense hotspot development off northern Tanzania and Kenya. Thermal stress has intensified over the past two weeks, with all 21 NOAA virtual bleaching stations in the WIO on high/severe bleaching alert.

Read the Bleaching Alert 01 April 2024
Read previous bleaching alerts

The Reef Authority conclude aerial surveys of the Great Barrier Reef
Read the latest update from the Great Barrier Reef
Watch the latest Reef Update from 28 March 2024

The Reef Authority announce a mass bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef
Read the latest update from the Great Barrier Reef
Watch the latest Reef Update from 08 March 2024

Western Indian Ocean: Indications are for a hot 2024 bleaching season in the Western Indian Ocean, with moderate to high bleaching expected

01 March 2024

CORDIO East Africa have released their ‘Western Indian Ocean Bleaching Alert’ for 1st March 2024. The El Niño persists, although a steady weakening trend is evident. The IOD remains neutral and is projected to remain in this state until end of April. The bleaching outlook for March to June remains severe, with most of the coral reef locations in the WIO predicted to experience strong bleaching.

Read the Bleaching Alert 01 March 2024
Read previous bleaching alerts

Sever Bleaching of Corals in the West Indies

08 December 2023

The French Coral Reef Initiative (IFRECOR): The French West Indies experienced abnormally high temperatures for nearly 10 weeks (from August to November 2023) leading to a major and unprecedented episode of coral bleaching. The first signs of coral bleaching were postponed at the end of August in Guadeloupe and Martinique as well as in St-Martin and St-Barthélemy and the resumption of color of bleached corals at the end of November / beginning of December 2023, i.e. 3 months of impact of the bleaching phenomenon (up to 80%, or even more locally, of bleached coral colonies depending on the site). Mortality levels are still being studied.

A summary note on the bleaching update on the West Indies is available (.pdf). Resources are available in French.

Read the update