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Accessibility: In Person
Location: Nice, France
One Ocean Science Congress 2025
3 – 6 June 2025
About the One Ocean Science Congress
The Congress will feature a mix of plenary sessions, including opening and keynote speeches, alongside parallel oral and poster presentations. To enhance interactions between science and society, action and policy, and to engage civil society more broadly, ‘townhalls’ such as panels and roundtables will also be arranged.
The themes of the congress are designed to align with the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the overarching goal of aiding decision-making, as well as the global discussions and negotiations scheduled for the following United Nations Conference on the Ocean (UNOC3).
Aligning the themes of the Congress with the Ocean Action Panels of UNOC3 will foster greater coherence between the scientific deliberations at the One Ocean Science Congress and the international and national commitments, initiatives, and discussions that will take place at UNOC3.
Contributions are thus welcome on the 10 following themes that are designed to be action- and solution-oriented and to move beyond limited disciplinary confines.