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The Economist Events’ third World Ocean Summit ambitiously aims to set a new global agenda for the ocean economy.
Blue economy; blue growth
The ‘blue economy’ is nascent and not yet clearly defined, but it offers a vision of the ocean and coasts as a new source of economic growth, job creation and investment. Viewed narrowly, this could simply mean the beginning of a new and intensified phase of conventional economic activity. Yet a more expansive interpretation sees a blue economy in which economic opportunity is balanced by responsible investment in a sustainable ocean economy— a ‘win-win’ scenario where the private sector, acting through enlightened self-interest, is a catalyst for both economic development and environmental protection. In this vision, the blue economy is in itself a source of opportunity, investment and growth.
World Ocean Summit will convene more than 250 global leaders from various sectors with direct interests in the oceans and igniting a constructive dialogue on solution.