The workshop was hosted by the Government of Anguilla, organised by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee / Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (JNCC/Defra) and facilitated by Dialogue Matters. The aim of the workshop was to bring UK Overseas Territories (OTs) in the Caribbean and other regional bodies together to build relationships, help identify the main threats and challenges facing coral reefs in each territory, and identify potential areas for greater collaboration in the region.
During the workshop, a number of topics were covered including how to enhance collaboration, information sharing, standardising/gathering data, funding, and public awareness. The discussions took place within small break out groups and plenary sessions and there was an exciting buzz of brainstorming and networking throughout.
The workshop delivered an important opportunity to build collaboration in the region and importantly will act as a springboard for working more closely together to promote the importance of coral reefs and deliver tangible conservation and management outcomes. The next important step in this process will be the finalisation of the UK OTs individual action plans which will further drive regional collaboration and assist with accessing funding opportunities in a strategic and cohesive way.
Second row: Jamie Rendell (Defra), Kathy Lockhart (TCI), Mike Helion (SPAW), Peter Murray (CRFM), Sarah Manuel (Bermuda), Sharmer Fleming (Anguilla), Megan Parry (JNCC)
Third row: Jane Hawkridge (JNCC), Gerlinde Schaeffter (Defra), Diana Pound (Dialogue Matters), Lavern Ryan (Montserrat), Carencia Rouse (Anguilla), Hazel Oxenford (UWI), Kenroy Rawlins (Anguilla), Rosmarie Cadogan (Commonwealth Secretariat), Stafford John (Anguilla), Sandrine Pivard (SPAW), Lormeka Williams (TCI)