Meetings Other Relevant Events
Location: Kunming, China
15th meeting of the COP to the CBD
Dates TBC
Kunming, China

Host country China and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) announced dates for the UN Biodiversity Conference, which includes the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-15),, to be convened in two parts. From Monday 11 to Friday 15 October 2021, an official opening took place online, which will be followed by final negotiations on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework during face-to-face meetings in Kunming, China, Monday 25 April to Sunday 8 May 2022.
At the two-week in-person Kunming meetings next spring, that global framework agreement will be presented for final consideration and decision by CBD’s 196 Parties.
CBD Executive Secretary, Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, calls the two-step summit process essential given ongoing uncertainties created by COVID-19 and the necessity for face-to-face meetings to conclude the complex global framework negotiations.
Says Ms. Mrema: “Convening virtually throughout the pandemic has limited the times for essential global meetings of CBD Parties, Bureau and subsidiary bodies to narrow windows. The Secretariat extends deep gratitude to all participants worldwide for their extraordinary consideration, dedication and cooperation to advance negotiations as far as they have in these extraordinary circumstances.”
“Convening COP-15 in two parts will enable maximum progress on the several remaining difficult issues prior to our conclusive face-to-face sessions in Kunming.”