Over the last 10 years, the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) has adopted a new approach, based on the analysis of standardized coral reef monitoring data. The recent “Status and Trends of Coral Reefs of the World: 2020” GCRMN report was produced utilizing this approach which has made it possible to estimate temporal changes of hard coral and algae cover at the global level, between 1978 and 2019.
In addition to global reports, the GCRMN also produces regional reports that are useful to describe changes that occur at finer spatial scales. In this context, the GCRMN plans to produce a new report for the Pacific region, updating the previous version released in 2018, with the latest monitoring data from 2016.
The first step of this report is to identify and integrate benthic cover monitoring data that have been acquired in coral reefs of the Pacific over the last years. For this reason, we are looking for people and/or groups who are keen to share their datasets on the benthic cover of coral reefs of the Pacific. The data can be one-shot (i.e., sites that have been surveyed once) or correspond to monitoring sites (i.e., sites that have been surveyed multiple times).
Please note that the data shared with the GCRMN to produce the 2023 Pacific report will not be made publicly available, and it is possible to sign a data-sharing agreement to set the conditions of use of the data received by the GCRMN.
If you are interested to collaborate on this project, either by sharing some of the data you have collected or by suggesting an existing dataset that may be of interest to us, please contact Dr. Jérémy Wicquart ([email protected]).

The Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) is an operational network of the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)