In anticipation of the third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3), the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) convened a High-Level Retreat on Investing in Ocean Solutions: Towards a Brighter Future for the Ocean. The Retreat welcomed up to 40 participants to Incheon, Republic of Korea, from 14 to 15 January 2025.
The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) attended in the capacity of co-facilitator of the Coral Reef Community of Ocean Action. ICRI was also pleased to see several of its members take part in the discussions including World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), CORDIO East Africa, Korea, Saudi Arabia, COBSEA and World Resource Institute (WRI).

This high-level retreat served as a precursor to the Third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3), in Nice in June 2025, with the aim to provide opportunities for Communities of Ocean Action (COAs) to review, reinvigorate, and reorganise their efforts by aligning priorities with the co-hosts of UNOC3 and forging coalitions with key stakeholders.
- The retreat provided an informal yet substantive platform for principals of the COAs, representatives of the co-hosts, and key stakeholders to:
Share Information on Recent Developments: Exchange updates on ocean-related processes and initiatives since the last gathering highlighting progress, prospects and synergies with UNOC3. - Foster Interaction with Stakeholders, Practitioners and VC Holders: Facilitate direct engagement with those actively involved in implementing VCs and SDG14, allowing for an exchange of insights and experiences.
- Brainstorm Pathways Forward: Collaboratively explore strategies to enhance the effectiveness of the COAs, with the ultimate aim of building a robust coalition for a successful and action-oriented UNOC3.
- Enhance substantive preparations for the UNOC: Explore key substantive areas and identify emerging issues through in-depth interactive sessions, to inform and enrich the UNOC Ocean Action Panels.
ICRI was represented by both the chair and the secretariat taking part in two panel sessions.The first panel session was “Innovation and Collaboration: Designing the Path Forward for COA 2.0”. This panel provided an update on the progress made thus far, identifying challenges and potential solutions for moving forward to better align efforts. The second panel “Ocean-Based Solutions for Climate Change and Biodiversity” included participation from the ICRI co-chair Dr Abdulaziz Alsuwailem. This session explored nature-based solutions, including blue carbon, marine protected areas, and ecosystem restoration strategies to combat climate change and biodiversity loss.
Closing remarks from Ambassador Peter Thomson, UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean highlighted said “ We cannot be doom-sayers and neither should we be purveyors of false promises of a rosy future. Our messaging has to be pragmatic. We must provide hope through progress.”.
ICRI looks forward to continuing to support the COA and how to better ensure these commitments lead to action.