Member Type Regional Intergovernmental Organization or Regional Sea
Coral Triangle Initiative for Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF)
The CTI-CFF is a multilateral partnership of six countries namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste.
It aims to preserve and manage the vast marine, coastal and small islands ecosystems and the unique biodiversity of the Coral Triangle region of the Indo Pacific, which provide invaluable livelihood and food security benefits for communities in the Coral Triangle area.
The CTI-CFF works in the conservation and preservation of coral reefs through the implementation of its Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) with five goals: designation of effectively managed seascapes; application of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management; establishment of a fully functional marine protected area system; strengthening climate change adapatation and resilience; and improving the status of threatened marine species.
The CTI-CFF Newsletter is a bimonthly newsletter that highlights news, feature stories, announcements, events as well as updates from the CT6 member countries, CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat and its developoment partners. The CTI-CFF Newsletter accepts contribution from CT6 members and its development partners. To subscribe to the CTI-CFF Newsletter, please email (copy to
The 2021 Annual Report of the CTI-CFF can be found here.
Last Updated: 21 June 2024