Member Type Non Governmental Organization

Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA)



Maria José Gonzalez-Bernat
Co-coordinator, Ecosystems Program

María Paula Conrado

Santiago Piñeros

Social Media

AIDA is a pioneer organization working on environmental protection in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities and critically endangered habitats. Established in 1998, AIDA uses the law and science to protect sensitive ecosystems and communities suffering from environmental harm, primarily in Latin America.

Working with place-based knowledge and in close collaboration with allies, we use legal standards and best practices to uphold justice and improve policy. Our team of dedicated advocates, attorneys, and scientists, who are both from and in Latin America, protect people and the environment from shortsighted government and industry initiatives.

We bridge the gap between communities, local movements, national organizations, governments, and international authorities. We also prioritize high-need, high-impact cases that can set replicable precedents, therefore fundamentally changing laws to fortify environmental protection. Our communication, education, and alliance-building initiatives also empower communities and policymakers with the knowledge needed to make responsible choices.

Related websites:

AIDA and coral reefs
Additional information

Our work and impact

  • Crafting legal arguments based on international law to strengthen our partners’ domestic litigation and policy advocacy. We help enforce laws and regulations when governments can’t or won’t get the job done.
  • Advocating before international bodies, including the United Nations and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, we help strengthen international environmental protections and increase government accountability.
  • Empowering communities and policymakers with the knowledge needed to make responsible choices through our communication, education, and alliance-building initiatives.

Last Updated: 21 June 2024