Member Type Non Governmental Organization
Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute (SDMRI)

Established in 1998, Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute (SDMRI) is a Non-Governmental Research and Higher Education Organization in the discipline of Marine Science.
The institute is in the forefront of conservation and management of coral reefs and seagrass beds in India for over a period of two decades through its various programs, particularly research, monitoring, capacity building and awareness creation. SDMRI initiated coral restoration (2002) and seagrass restoration (2008) in India and has successfully continued the initiatives till date. A few other focused research areas of SDMRI are biodiversity conservation, artificial reefs for biodiversity enhancement, blue carbon, coastal pollution including marine litter & microplastics and impact assessment. The Ph.D. program in Marine Science (affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Government of Tamil Nadu), and PADI Open Water and Advanced Open Water Dive Training constitute a new dimension in developing capacity in the field of coral reef research in India.
SDMRI works in association with and receives support from the Tamil Nadu Forest and the Environment & Climate Change Departments (Government of Tamil Nadu) and the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Government of India), and contributes to the effective coastal ecosystem restoration, conservation and management focusing in particular on coral reefs, seagrass beds and associated biodiversity. The institute is keen in disseminating research findings to conservation managers, researchers, policy makers and the general public through reports and publications. The recent (2023) publication “Coral Reefs of the Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, India: Decadal Changes in Status and Management Paradigms” brought out by the Environment, Climate Change and Forests Department, Government of Tamil Nadu in partnership with SDMRI presents up-to-date comprehensive information on coral status, diversity and threats in Gulf of Mannar, and also traces the decadal changes in these parameters.
Coral reefs of the Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, India: Decadal changes in status and management paradigms
Coral reefs are important marine habitats that benefit humans through fisheries, coastal protection, tourism, and more. Despite their importance, global coral reefs have suffered severe declines over the past few decades due to several climatic and on-climatic threats. The tropical climate of India favours the formation of coral reefs in different parts of the country. The Gulf of Mannar on the southeast coast is a major reef region in India with a significant spatial extent of coral reefs. The fringing reefs around the 21 uninhabited islands of the Gulf of Manna harbour incredible biodiversity and hence support the dependent livelihoods of fisherfolk. The 21 islands and surroung shallow coastal waters were declared the Gulf of Manna Marine National Park (GOMMNP) by the Government of Tamil Nadu in 1986.
The present study systematically documents the decadal changes in the coral reef status and health in the Gulf of Mannar.
Last Updated: 10 January 2025