
Provide comment on a CBD document on ocean acidification!

Following a recent request to provide input to their work plan on coral bleaching, the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) has once again approached us to provide input on a Draft Updated Synthesis on the Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biodiversity (the Synthesis) – see the CBD formal notification on this matter.

This document aims to capture current available knowledge on the biodiversity implications of ocean acidification for marine and coastal systems (including coral reefs). If you are working on this subject, please forward your suggestions to [email protected] by 26 February 2014 to allow us to collate input; alternatively you can provide your input directly to the CBD Secretariat at [email protected] by 28 February.

All comments will be incorporated in the document and will be submitted for consideration at SBSTTA-18 scheduled for June 2014.

Credit photo: Paul Marshall / Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

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