Resilience-Based Management


The ad hoc committee was established at the 34th ICRI General Meeting in Townsville, following the ICRI side event ‘Managing for Resilience’ which was co-convened by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (Australia), The Nature Conservancy and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. The committee was established to further consider what managing for resilience is, how it applies to the management of coral reefs and associated ecosystems as well as relationships with dependent human communities, and discuss the range of resilience-based management tools and resources that are available for coral reef managers.

The workshop was attended by ICRI Members, and considered four broad objectives for Resilience Based Management:

  • Targeted communications
  • Overcoming challenges
  • Building opportunities
  • Building capacity.

At the 35th ICRI General Meeting (February 2021) ICRI members agreed on extending the mandate of the ICRI ad hoc committee on Resilience-based Management.

The updated terms of reference for the ad hoc committee for 2021 are to:

  1. Targeted Communications: Identify global, national and local RBM communication needs, priorities and key messages. Co-develop RBM communication strategies that can be scaled and tailored to meet these needs. Share best-practice examples of RBM outcomes.
  2. Overcoming Challenges: Identify key challenges to RBM implementation and share case studies on how these could be addressed at global, national and local scales.
  3. Building Opportunities: Assess the priority opportunities for RBM implementation and support member engagement and participation.
  4. Building Capacity: Identify opportunities for partnership between members, NGOs, industry and community organisations who can build understanding and enable members to scale up and tailor RBM

ICRI resolutions relating to the ad hoc committee


Chair: Australia

Membership: Australia, CTI-CFF, Great Barrier Reef Foundation, ICRS, Reef-World Foundation, The Coral Reef Alliance, The Nature Conservancy, UNEP, USA, Wildlife Conservation Society

Working procedure

The ad hoc committee works virtually and takes advantage of any opportunities for face-to-face meetings in the sidelines of other meetings.