SocMon Monitoring Site

Punta Gorda, Monkey River, Punta Negra

Central America : Belize
Year completed: 2004

Socio-economic impacts of the Port Honduras Marine Reserve on the coastal communities of southern Belize, Central America (199-2004).
MSc research- University of Miami



To work with international and local conservation NGOs in southern Belize and document the effects and impacts the Port Honduras Marine Reserve (PHMR) has had on the local communities, particularly households, commercial and sport fishing guides through
surveys and interviews.
This study is looking at how the PHMR is relating to the coastal communities to determine what the major socioeconomic changes and impacts have been on the coastal communities living in the PHMR since it was declared in 2000. Looking at whether or not the coastal communities of the PHMR are better or worse off as a result of any changes in the last five years will also help to determine if TIDE has been successful and effective in managing and developing the PHMR so that its resources are protected and properly managed, and its stakeholders are concerned and involved
in its future.