The information contained in this guide is primarily aimed at actors who could participate in the sanitation conservation interface, including practitioners from both sectors, investors, governments, research scientists, and private businesses. It focuses on domestic wastewater pollution impacts on tropical coastal marine ecosystems, including mangroves, seagrass, and coral reefs.
This work resulted from the Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP) Improving Coastal Health Working Group. SNAPP is a partnership of ICRI members The Nature Conservancy and the Wildlife Conservation Society.

Amelia S. Wenger; Gómez Juárez, E.; Thomas, J.; Amaya, T.; Corbin, C.; Edmond, J.; Falinski, K.; Hill, J.; Jenkins, A.; Jupiter, S.D.; Kuempel, C.D.; Lamb, J.B.; Nalley, E.M.; Omwenga, S.; Oza, T.; Perez, E.N.; Tuttle Raz, L.J.; Sarkozy-Banoczy, S.; Wakwella, A. (2023) A guide for integrated conservation and sanitation programs and approaches. Wildlife Conservation Society. Pp. 1-143