Coral Reefs News

Coral Research & Development Platform (CORDAP) New Strategic Plan 2022-2025

Cinzia Osele Bismarck | Ocean Image Bank

The Coral Research & Development Platform (CORDAP) has announced its strategic plan for 2022-2025.

The G20 initiative was announced in 2020 to bring together the best minds worldwide, in a transdisciplinary approach, to accelerate international research and development to supply the technologies and innovations required to secure a future for corals and reefs.

Focusing on research and development and committed to scalability, CORDAP-funded projects will accelerate the research and development of next-generation solutions to conserve and restore corals and reefs at much broader scale, delivering to far greater impact. Its open-source platform model will allow anyone to advance and use the platform’s technologies, will be transdisciplinary, equitable and inclusive, and will strive for efficiency. Finally, every penny of international funding the platform receives will go directly to its R&D and other projects.

CORDAP’s strategic plan, prepared by its Scientific and Advisory Committee, identifies how it will deliver the program, describes the types of projects it will fund, and outlines the proposal submissions, review processes and the priority investment areas for 2022.  This strategic plan focuses on the most pressing investment needs for directing the program over its first three years of operation.

CORDAP will invest in novel early-phased ideas through to final proof-of-concept development and testing. Six investment types have been identified: Novel R&D projects, improving or scaling up existing interventions, translation R&D, scoping and planning studies, foundation science to support implementation of interventions, capacity building and local implementation.

To maximize innovation and diversity of thinking, CORDAP’s calls for proposals will be open to all submissions within its scope and investment criteria. Details of when the call will open will be available soon. To learn more, visit

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