
CORDIO Status Report 2011

The CORDIO program has supported coral reef monitoring and research in the Indian Ocean since 1999. Topics have included reef ecology, resource use, socio-economics and support to management, policy development and capacity building. Much of our work has been reported in compiled ‘Status Reports’ in 1999, 2000, 2002, 2005 and 2008, which are available at

To continue the Status Reports series CORDIO is publishing a compilation of articles in 2011, and invites submissions. Individual submissions will be accepted, reviewed and published on CORDIO’s web site throughout the year, and a compilation report will be published, both on line and as a book at the end of 2011. Articles are invited from research projects that have been or are currently supported by CORDIO, partnership projects and any others working in the Indian Ocean seeking to publish their results for a broad audience.

  • Geography – Eastern Africa including the Island States, South Asia, the Andaman Sea and the Red Sea and Gulfs region.
  • Focus – technical and research information, emphasizing increased access to information and data.
  • Topics – primary research (natural or social science), exploration, monitoring, assessments, management, policy and lessons learned.

Articles on coral reef monitoring and status will be coordinated with the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network’s (GCRMN) upcoming Indian Ocean Coral Reef Status and Outlook, tentatively planned for release in early 2012. The GCRMN is an operational unit of the International Coral Reef Initiative charged with coordinating research and monitoring of coral reefs. The network, with many partners, reports on ecological and socioeconomic monitoring and produces Status of Coral Reefs of the World reports covering more than 80 countries and states. (

In addition to the Status Report, CORDIO is developing a Technical Report series for publishing CORDIO supported work. Longer technical reports from past and current projects will be published through an internal review system and available on the CORDIO web site. The objective of this series is to broaden access to information that would otherwise remain inaccessible within projects and organizations. Abstracts or a reference list of these reports may be included in the Status Report, to promote access to them.

To register interest in submitting a manuscript or report, please email: [email protected]

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