
Eradication of Crown-of-Thorn Starfish from Palikir reefs


Recipient Name: Kousapw Palikir Community Group

Purpose: Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (COTS) outbreaks are repetitively threatening the health of the Palikir reefs and therefore the coastal community that depends on it. This project conducted an educational campaign to educate the community on causes for COTS outbreaks in order to promote behavioural change. It offered hands-on community training to conduct COTS density surveys, and conducted COTS eradication excursions involving the Conservation Society of Pohnpei and the coastal community. Equipment acquired as part of this project became the property of the community group.


  • Oct 2012: conducted community education workshop on the impact of COTS on coral reef resources, in conjunction with experts from the capital.
  • Nov-Dec 2012: trained and conducted COTS eradication outings with volunteers and fishermen, with equipment purchase with ICRI funds
  • Jan-July 2013: implementation of spot eradication of COTS by fishermen through lending of spears, and of a project to compost COTS. Compost then used by local farmers.


  • Mainly educational – increased understanding and awareness of COTS, and greater sense of responsibility for protecting their local reefs.

Unexpected community participation and enthusiasm for composting, leading to an increase in compost bins in the community and a small increase in local garden production.

Value of Grant (AUD): 2,729.65

Grant Term: 30/06/2013

Status: completed

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