Meetings Other Relevant Events, Side Events
GCRMN workshop: Data Solutions
March 23rd – 24th 2022, 9h00 – 17h00, GMT+1
Many of the improvements identified through the production of the GCRMN Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2020 report have their origin in data (i.e. how and what data are collected and how they are stored, shared and reported). A significant contribution could be made to the global coral reef community if the GCRMN was able to work in partnership with existing global and regional data initiatives and organisations with mature data environments to develop solutions that enhance data management and access, promote greater interoperability and re-use, provide better attribution, transparency, reproducibility and use in coral reef management and policy interventions. The broad objectives of this GCRMN workshop are to build on existing global and regional data initiatives, identify the challenges preventing FAIR (Finable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable) coral reef monitoring data, and describe a resourced data solution that can support the GCRMN and the broader global coral reef monitoring network.

This event was made possible thanks to support from: