Meetings Other Relevant Events

ICRI Online Meeting

The ICRI Online Meeting will be held virtually on 23rd May 2023

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General information

In advance of the 37th ICRI General Meeting, the ICRI Secretariat is hosting an online meeting on Tuesday 23rd May 2023 at 13:00 BST/UTC+1 and it is expected to last for 2 hours. You can convert to your timezone here.

The meeting will be recorded.




Should you have any questions or need more information, do not hesitate to contact Francis Staub


Day 1 – Tuesday 23rd May 2023
Opening and Welcoming Remarks

Christine Dawson, US Department of State & ICRI Co-Chair
Jennifer Koss, NOAA Coral Reef Conservation programme & ICRI Co-Chair

A briefing on the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

Joseph Appiott, Convention on Biological Diversity

Download Presentation (PDF)

Report from the Coral Reef breakthrough

Margaux Hein, Consultant, International Coral Reef Initiative

Download Presentation (PDF)

6th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA6)

Ole Vestergaard, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Implementation of the ICRI Plan of Action
Theme 1 – Preparing for the Future: Promoting Resilient Coral Reefs

Ad Hoc Committee on Resilience-Based Management

Dylan Horne, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Download Presentation (PDF)

Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Reef Restoration

Ian McLeod, Australian Institute of Marine Science

Download Presentation (PDF)

Theme 2 – Coral Reef Science and Oceanography: Advancing and Utilizing the Latest Science and Technology

Updates from the GCRMN Steering Committee

Britta Schaffelke, GCRMN Global Coordinator, Australian Institute of Marine Sciences

Download Presentation (PDF)

Updates on the ICRI 37th General Meeting

Jennifer Koss, NOAA Coral Reef Conservation programme & ICRI Co-Chair
Francis Staub, Global Coordinator, International Coral Reef Initiative Secretariat

The Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR)

Updates from the GFCR

Yabanex Batista, Global Fund for Coral Reefs

Jennifer Koss, NOAA Coral Reef Conservation programme & ICRI Co-Chair

Download Presentation (PDF)

Updates from the Coral Research & Development Accelerator Programme

Rory Jordan, Coral Research & Development Accelerator Programme

Download Presentation (PDF)

Upcoming Events

Francis Staub, Global Coordinator, International Coral Reef Initiative

Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium (APCRS) (18 – 23 June)

Sustainable Ocean Initiative Workshop on Ocean-related Capacity-building Needs for the Kunming-Montreal GBF (5th – 9th June)

CBD Target 3 meeting to develop a global partnership to support achievement of Target 3 – Cambridge (12th – 14th June 2023)

Mirpuri Sailing Trophy & Ocean Award (7-9 July)

Pacific Coral Reef Collective, Cairns, Australia (30 July – 5 August)

Margaret Johnson, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Closing Remarks

Jennifer Koss, NOAA Coral Reef Conservation programme & ICRI Co-Chair

Outcomes will be developed following the Meeting .

Key Outcomes

To be developed