
GLOBE Coral Reef Crisis Meeting

On October 24th, 2010 GLOBE International convened a leadership group of parliamentarians from coral reef nations in Nagoya, Japan to participate in the GLOBE Coral Reef Crisis Meeting (Summary of Proceedings).

The objectives of the Coral Reef Crisis Meeting were as follows:

  • Raise Awareness: To increase the knowledge-base of legislators on the impacts of climate change on coral reef ecosystems.

  • Motivate Action: To gain consensus on a parliamentary strategy to support and step-up existing efforts to boost resilience and prevent the loss of coral reef ecosystems and the communities which depend upon them.

Discussion was focused on the recommendations outline within Part II of the GLOBE Marine Ecosystems Recovery Strategy with presentations given my expert advisors on the five key themes of i) Sustainable Fisheries Management; ii) Marine Protected Areas Coverage and Effectiveness; iii) Watersheds and Water Quality Management; iv) Management Capacity and Environmental Awareness; v) Governance.

The official outputs of the meeting were as follows:

  • GLOBE Marine Ecosystems Recovery Strategy: Part II Coral Reef Resilience: Second focus of a tri-partite international strategy detailing high-level principles for legislative action to build resilience in tropical shallow-water coral reef ecosystems.

  • GLOBE Action Plan for Coral Reefs: Detailed supporting material outlining a comprehensive set of actions to build coral reef resilience.

After negotiation both papers were endorsed by the Forum.

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