ICRI General Meetings
ICRI General Meetings of members are held on an annual basis at a minimum. The General Meetings are a way for ICRI members to interact, discuss past and upcoming ICRI-related activities and adopt resolutions or recommendations to attract international attention on specific issues.
ICRI Regional Workshops or Meetings
ICRI’s regional networks are more or less active around regions. In some regions, particularly in East Asia, regional workshops are held regularly to progress issues relating to coral reef governance in a coordinated manner. Some of ICRI’s so-called “Ad Hoc Committees”, usually created on a temporary basis to tackle a specific topic or issue, are active in a specific region, such as the Regional Lionfish Committee in the Caribbean.
ICRI Side events
The ICRI Secretariat regularly organizes side events at relevant international summits and conferences (IUCN World Conservation Congress, CBD Conference of the Parties, etc.) to bring international attention to the work of ICRI and encourage action to address coral reef issues.
International Tropical Marine Ecosystem Management Symposia (ITMEMS)
These symposia, held every four years or so, are a flagship activity of ICRI. They aim to develop and strengthen the capacities of coastal and marine managers and their partners to conserve and promote the sustainable use of coral reefs and related ecosystems. ITMEMS has been convened previously in Australia (1998), the Philippines (2003), Mexico (2006) and Guadeloupe (2011). Information, documents and proceedings or previous ITMEMS.
Other relevant meetings, conferences and events
List of upcoming international, regional and national meetings, conference, symposia and events related to coral reefs or relevant to ICRI.