Member Type Country




Antoine Pebayle
Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition
Marine biodiversity and coral reefs policy officer

Nabil Medaghri Alaoui
Protection internationale des océans – Global Ocean Protection
Sous-direction de l’environnement et du climat (CLEN)
Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

Marianna Monneau
Ministry for Overseas France
Biodiversity Officer

Social Media


France is one of the 8 founding countries of ICRI and chaired the Initiative in 1999-2000, 2009-2011 (co-chaired with Samoa), and 2016-2018.

To promote the protection and sustainable management of coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass meadows at the national level, the French coral reefs initiative (IFRECOR) was created in 2000.

In 2018, France adopted its Biodiversity Plan, which set the ambitious goal of protecting every coral reef in the French oversea territories by 2025.

Related websites:

Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire
Ministry for Overseas France
Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs


Health status of coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangroves of the French overseas territories, 2021

National Biodiversity Strategy:

National Biodiversity Strategy 2030
Background Information

Surface of Coral Reefs: 58 000 km² of coral reefs, atolls and lagoons

National Coral Reef Initiative

Initiative française pour les récifs coralliens (French Coral Reef Initiative)

The action plan for the protection of the coral reefs of the overseas territories was adopted in 2019. It aims to protect 75% of the coral reefs by 2021, and 100% by 2025. Visit the Biodiversity Plan website and the Action 37 – Protection of coral reefs for more information.

MPA Information

MPA(s) with coral reefs: 93 (Based on a list available from a 2019 study lead by the former French Agency for Biodiversity on the extent of spatial protections of coral reefs)

Percentage of coral reef MPA(s) to the coastal zone or marine area: 67% (in 2019, 67% of French coral reefs were covered by at least one MPA)

More Information: The National Strategy for Protected Areas (2020-2030) is aiming to extend the MPA network to 30% of the marine area, with 10% under high protection.

The national Strategy for Protected Areas (Download English Version)

Ramsar Sites

Sites with Coral Reefs: 5

  1. Grand cul de sac marin (Guadeloupe)
  2. Ile d’Europa (îles Eparses)
  3. Lagon de Moorea (Polynésie française)
  4. Vasière des Badamiers (Mayotte)
  5. Zones humides et marines de Saint Martin (Saint Martin)
World Heritage Sites

Sites with Coral Reefs: 6

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Last Updated: 13 February 2025