The Global Socioeconomic Monitoring Initiative for Coastal Management

A Socio-economic Baseline Assessment of the Mnazi Bay-Ruvuma Estuary, Marine Park
Western Indian OceanBy D. Malleret | 2004
A socio-economic assessment of the Mnazi Bay – Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park (MBREMP) was carried out from March to July 2004 with the objective of increasing understanding on communities (approximately 28 000 people) who live within the Park.
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A Socioeconomic Baseline Assessment: Implementing the socioeconomic monitoring guidelines in southwest Madagascar
Western Indian OceanBy Minna M. Epps | 2008
In recent years, there has been a global call to incorporate social science into coastal management. This has been supported by institutional and policy commitments to develop socioeconomic monitoring as a priority activity within marine conservation initiatives.
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An evaluation of socio-economic conditions and environmental interactions on a section of the east coast of Grenada
CaribbeanBy Crafton J. Isaac | 2010
Socio-economic monitoring (SocMon) in Grenada commenced in late May 2008 with a training workshop in the east coast town of Grenville, the site selected for the project. SocMon Grenada was part of a regional project Socio-economic monitoring by Caribbean Fishery Authorities (Fisheries SocMon) funded by a US Coral Reef Conservation grant for and jointly implemented by the Center for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (CERMES) of the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, and the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM).
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Applying SocMon to Bycatch Monitoring and Management: A Brazil Case Study
South AmericaBy R. Pereira Medeiros | 2022
Assessing the feasibility of alternative livelihood options for communities of the Molinière/Beauséjour Marine Protected Area
CaribbeanBy M. Pena, Marine Mitchell, Stephen Antoine, Finbar Gibbs, Coddinton Jeffrey, Katherine Blackman, Roland Baldeo | 2013
Socio-economic monitoring for coastal management in the Caribbean (SocMon Caribbean) is a globally networked, regionally adapted, practical methodology of socio-economic monitoring for coastal management (Bunce et al. 2000, Bunce and Pomeroy 2003). Consultation with representatives of the MPA community associated with the Caribbean Challenge Initiative1 indicated the need for capacity building in socio-economic monitoring for the development of an effective regional system of MPAs.
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