SocMon Resource: Regional Guidelines

Indicators to assess community-level social vulnerability to climate change: An addendum to SocMon and SEM-Pasifika regional socioeconomic monitoring guidelines

Pacific IslandsBy S. Wongbusarakum, C. Loper  |  2011

thumbnail of climate_change_guidlelines_FINAL_april_2011

Resource‐dependent communities are particularly vulnerable to climate change, whose influence on our natural systems is already being felt. Projections point to large, potentially dramatic changes that are likely in this century. For marine and coastal systems, the direct effects of climate change include increasing sea temperatures, rising sea levels, shifts in the strength and timing of ocean currents, increased frequency of severe tropical storms, and higher ocean acidity. These alterations will have impacts that cascade through the ecosystem, ultimately affecting nature’s ability to provide the goods and services on which communities depend.
