Coral Reefs Monitoring and Assessment News

The GCRMN coral reef monitoring R training course

Photo Credit: Ocean Image Bank // Kimberly Jeffries
Welcome to the WIO Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network data training course!

An introductory training course for formatting and standardisation of coral reef Status and Trends data in the Western Indian Ocean

The Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN), an operational network of ICRI, is one of the few global sources of quantitative data on the status and trends of coral reef systems globally, providing an information source to global observation networks (e.g. GOOS) and policy-relevant indicators. A vital component of the GCRMN structure is the formation of regional nodes that serve as an intermediary between local data providers and the broader global network. In addition to the aggregation, standardising and reporting of individual country data within a GCRMN region, the regional nodes also play a key role in training and capacity building for local data providers (GCRMN Governance & Implementation Plan 2019).

With funding through a MASMA grant (i.e. WIOMSA), ICRI member, CORDIO East Africa provided a training course of data systematisation and visualisation techniques for the WIO GCRMN regional node in June-August 2021. This training built on experience gained during the data assimilation and analysis for publication of the WIO and other GCRMN regional reports, as well as recent experience for the production of the GCRMN global Status of Coral Reefs of the World report 2020.

This type of training has been identified as a key capability development area for the WIO regional node during a recent technical working group workshop held in Moroni, Comoros from 1st to 3rd March 2023. To respond to this need, this project was initiated to consolidate learning resources for a “self-paced” open learning model.

The training manual aims to provide a platform for the Data Systematisation & Visualisation training course for the WIO, including the general approach, model of delivery, timeframe and listing of potential participants.

In particular, the course sets out to provide skills for regional participants to manage and process their coral reef monitoring data, including:

  1. Data standardisation and assimilation, analysis and visualisation techniques for national and regional network members, partners and data contributors;
  2. Training in data curation, quality control, and use of remote repositories for secure storage and linkage with regional collaborators; and,
  3. Improvements to the existing WIO GCRMN data management system and strengthen data standards and collaboration with other regional GCMRN nodes.

Individual pages of the manual provide a brief outline of key training modules, background to the purpose and application of the training (i.e. the context), steps for the analysis, collation of results, and visualisation.

During the progression of the Data Systematisation & Visualisation training for the WIO Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, it will contribute to improved management and conservation and preparedness for future pressures from anthropogenic and climatic regimes. The intention is that the learning resources for the training will be continually reviewed and improved, so any contributions that can add to the development & sharpen the focus would be very much appreciated!

The handbook was developed by ICRI member CORDIO East Africa, facilitated by Franz Smith and in collaboration with global and regional members of the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network. The work was funded by the Nairobi Convention

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Source: WIO Website

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