
Implementation of the Plan of Action 2016-2018

This page provides information on the implementation for the plan of action and useful resources.

Theme 1 – “Help raise awareness of how coral reefs and related ecosystems help to fight climate change”

Goal 1.1 – Highlight the contribution of coral reefs, mangroves and seagrasses to mitigate and adapt to climate change and its impacts

Nationally Determined Contributions

Goal 1.3 – Increase knowledge on the role of coral reefs, mangroves and seagrasses in interactions with the climate and the ocean, as well as knowledge of the effects of these interactions on these ecosystems IPCC

Theme 2: “Meet international requirements regarding coral reefs”

Goal 2.1 – mplement the resolution on the sustainable management of coral reefs adopted at the 2nd session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (May 2016)

Goal 2.3 – Take advantage of upcoming international events to pursue the advocacy for coral reefs and related ecosystems

Theme 3: “Help to reduce human threats to coral reefs and associated mangroves and seagrasses, by making greater use of regulatory tools”

Goal 3.2 – Encourage a ban on plastic microbeads in cosmetic products

Goal 3.3 – Improve regulation and enforcement to reduce direct anthropogenic damage due to dredging and physical alteration of reef structures

Goal 3.4 – Promote the deployment of mooring devices limiting the mechanical destruction of coral reefs and seagrasses

Theme 4: “Monitor the state of reefs in order to better manage them”

Goal 4.1 – Promote regional reports on the health of coral reefs

Goal 4.2 – Better monitor the phenomena of coral bleaching

Theme 5: “Progress via education”

Goal 5.1 – Prepare for the 2018 International Year of the Reef (IYOR)

At the 31st General Meeting (November 2016 in Paris, France), the International Coral Reef Initiative declared 2018 as the third International Year of the Reef (view the recommendation in French, English, Spanish) and encourages to:

  • strengthen awareness globally about the value of, and threats to, coral reefs and associated ecosystems;
  • promote partnerships between governments, the private sector, academia and civil society on the management of coral reefs;
  • identify and implement effective management strategies for conservation, increased resiliency and sustainable use of these ecosystems and promoting best practices; and
  • share information on best practices in relation to sustainable coral reef management.

ICRI encourages its members to support and participate in planning for IYOR 2018, and to facilitate the development of national level IYOR activities. For more information, contact the ICRI Secretariat.

Goal 5.2 – Increase awareness among the general public, communities, and young people

An “Educational Managed Marine Area” (EMMA) is a small coastal area a few km2 wide, managed in a participatory way by primary school pupils, in accordance with principles defined in a charter. It is an educational and eco-friendly project to help young people better understand and protect the marine environment. The children become part of a local project that draws on the expertise of the school and local municipality, along with user associations and environmental protection groups. More information.

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