Member Type Non Governmental Organization

Great Barrier Reef Foundation



Anna Marsden
Managing Director
Great Barrier Reef Foundation

Theresa Fyffe
Executive Director Projects & Partnerships
Great Barrier Reef Foundation

Social Media


The Great Barrier Reef Foundation is creating a better future for coral reefs.

The Great Barrier Reef is an irreplaceable ecosystem, home to thousands of species of marine life, including fish, dolphins, and six of the world’s seven species of marine turtle. This unique icon is the largest living thing on Earth, with rich corals spanning an area visible from space. It’s one of the seven natural wonders of the world and attracts two million visitors every year. But the accumulated impacts of climate change, poor water quality and crown of thorns starfish outbreaks are having a dramatic and dire effect on the state of the Great Barrier Reef and coral reefs around the world.

Saving the Reef is a huge task, but there’s hope.

The Great Barrier Reef Foundation works as a connector and convenor, bringing together science, business, government, philanthropy, community and First Nations Peoples for the benefit of coral reefs and the people who rely on them. Collectively we fund, co-create and co-deliver solutions where they are needed most, breaking down barriers, transforming systems and solving some of the most complex and challenging problems that threaten the survival of coral reefs across the planet. And together we bring hope by sharing the stories of the difference we are making with audiences across the world.

With our partners we are delivering more than 200 projects including:

  • Saving the endangered green turtle by working to restore the world’s largest remaining green turtle nesting ground on Raine Island
  • Restoring critical reef island habitats starting with the home of the manta ray, Lady Elliot Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef, and the world-famous Whitsundays
  • Working with coral reef communities globally and international partners including UNESCO to build the resilience of five World Heritage Reef sites and the communities that depend on them – building their capacity to adapt to an uncertain future and combat the effects of climate change and local threats
  • Delivering the landmark six-year Reef Trust Partnership program to achieve a significant improvement in Great Barrier Reef health by:
    • improving the Reef’s water quality,
    • controlling crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks,
    • delivering the world’s largest coral reef restoration and adaption science program,
    • enabling and expanding Traditional Owner and community Reef protection, and
    • pioneering new technology to more effectively and accurately monitor and report on Reef health.

Right now we’re making an impact, but there’s a lot more to do. Everyone has a role to play.

Related website:

Great Barrier Reef Foundation

Last Updated: 21 June 2024