Member Type Country




Oscar Rene Torres
General Director – Biodiversity (DIBIO)
Dirección General de Biodiversidad (DiBio)/ Secretary of Natural Resouces and Environment (SERNA)

Carolina Vianey Ponce Reinhardt
Environmental Assessor

Social Media

The Honduras Secretary of Natural Resouces and Environment (SERNA) is responsible for the formulation of environmental policies, including to implement Multilateral Environmental Agreements. The Agency promotes the sustainable and efficient management of natural resources and the environment at the national level, and participates actively in environmental protection work including through the promotion of public and private actions that help preserve natural resources; and the provision of timely environmental information to support decision-making.

SERNA’s mission, as a government organisation, is to promote the sustainable development of Honduras through the formulation, coordination, implementation and evaluation of public policies to protect natural resources and the environment, thereby contributing to improving the quality of life of Hondurans, whilst operating under the values of honesty, responsibility, commitment, efficiency and transparency.

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Background Information

Surface of Coral Reefs: 58956 km2

Honduras is involved in several initiatives such as the Healthy Reefs Initiative, CORAL, and FORCE, among others. Some of them have been granted fast-tracked permissions to conduct work, such as the Forest Conservation Institute (ICF) who has been helping to identify reef sites needing protection; others intend to promote consevation action for coral reef from a research and investigation perspective.

The government strives to form strategic alliances with all these initiatives to coordinate action, programs and projects on coral reefs, and to streamline language for international reporting purposes. The government is also committed to optimise the legislative and normative framework to enable the efficient delivery of these actions, passing legislation through the Congress of the Republic to establish an enabling environment, and officially recognise the importance of marine and coastal ecosystems.

MPA Information

MPA(s) with coral reefs: 590

More Information: 26 (4 in the Caribbean side and 25 in the Pacific side)

Last Updated: 19 June 2024