Member Type Non Governmental Organization

UNEP- World Conservation Monitoring Centre



Rowana Walton
Programme Officer

Chris McOwen
Lead Marine Scientist

Social Media


The UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) is a centre of excellence in biodiversity knowledge. We operate as a collaboration between UNEP and WCMC, a UK-registered charity. Together, we are confronting the global crisis facing nature.

We do this through our unique position ensuring science, knowledge and insights shape global and national policy, and by collaborating with partners around the world to build capacity and create innovative solutions to environmental challenges. We use our position as respected custodians of powerful and trusted environmental data to create positive impact for people and nature.

We work with partners to ensure the use of best-available data, knowledge and digital innovation for effective policy and approaches for the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of nature. We mobilise data by developing and curating authoritative digital repositories such as Ocean+, which hosts global marine biodiversity datasets that support decision-making at all levels. We also host Protected Planet®, the most comprehensive global database on terrestrial and marine protected areas. Protected Planet is a joint product of IUCN and UNEP and presents the latest official statistics for Protected and Conserved Areas.

We support the delivery of ocean-related Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Decades on Ecosystem Restoration and on Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and the implementation of various Multilateral Environmental Agreements including the Ramsar Convention, Regional Seas Conventions and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

Related websites:

Protected Planet Marine Protected Areas
Coral Reef Funding Landscape
Global Marine Restoration
Governing Coastal Resources - Implications for a Sustainable Blue Economy

Last Updated: 12 March 2025