The France Secretariat, 1999-2000


Term 1999-2000

The French ICRI Secretariat had the following specific tasks:

  • Act as a catalyst by bringing together stakeholders from developing countries, regional and international operational agencies, including NGOs, and agencies able to fund projects of coral reef management and conservation (ICRI does not prepare operational proposals nor does it intend to maintain operational funds).
  • Expand the current list of ICRI CPC partner countries to include others those active in funding coastal resource management projects e.g. other countries of the European Union, Canada, etc.
  • Assemble lists of coastal resource projects which have coral reef components and ensure these are transmitted widely to ensure that donor resources are distributed efficiently, with minimal overlaps in project funding.
  • In consultation with developing countries and other ICRI partners, prepare a listing of suitable projects throughout the coral reef world that fall within the ICRI Action Agenda.
  • Encourage major donor agencies and governments to fund these projects; follow projects and assist in obtaining reviews so that effective projects can either be continued if funding stops, or be advanced to the next stage, and if necessary find another donor.
  • Provide effective communication on coral reef activities, projects, problems, and resources to ICRI regions and participating governments; ensure that international agencies (e.g. UN organisations, country aid agencies, multilateral banks and NGOs) are well informed of ICRI activities.
  • Maintain an effective Internet Web site for ICRI partners and the public; assemble good examples of best practice in coral reef management and monitoring and publish on the Internet.
  • Publish summaries of ICRI activities in French, English and Spanish for use by peoples without access to the Internet.
  • Ensure that ICRI recommendations and calls for action are conveyed to UN and other international forums (CSD, CBD, SIDS).
  • Seek funding for existing ICRI operational units such as the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN).
  • Catalyse the establishment of other ICRI operational units to achieve the ICRI objectives of raising awareness, building capacity, introducing integrated coastal management, involving the tourism industry in coral reef conservation; stimulate the formation of national Coral Reef Initiative committees to include all stakeholders in countries with coral reefs.
  • Publicise lists of the focal points for coral reefs in all countries and all regions and facilitate communication between focal points.

Denis Vene

Bernard Salvat

Contact Points

Genevieve Verbrugge