Meetings Side Events
Location:Salle D, Level 1, International Conference Centre Geneva
Organized Under The United States of America Secretariat, 2021
Participating Members
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- United States of America
- Seychelles
- Monaco
- Egypt
- Germany
- Myanmar
- South Africa
- Dominican Republic
- Costa Rica
- Japan
- Jordan
- United Kingdom
Three Ways to Save Coral Reefs through the GBF: An informal exchange with coral reef champions
Side event during CBD meetings
16th March 2022
Salle D, Level 1, International Conference Centre, Geneva

The proposed side event is convened by the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), as a partnership of 44 countries safeguarding 75% of the world’s coral reefs countries and organisations.
It will be co-organised with WCS and the following Parties: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Germany, Japan, Jordan, Maldives, Monaco, Myanmar, Seychelles and South Africa, United Kingdom.
ICRI has been engaging with and contributing to the Post-2020 process since the end of 2018, developing a consensus Recommendation in 2020 for how coral reefs can be adequately integrated within the Post-202o Global Biodiversity Framework and its monitoring framework.
This side event will provide an opportunity to bring Parties that have been engaging virtually for a face to face informal exchange on how the ICRI recommendations can be taken up in the negotiations in Geneva, particularly relating to Goal A, Targets 1, 2, 3 and the inclusion of ecosystem specific indicators within the GBF monitoring framework.
It is proposed that the event would start with high level opening remarks followed by facilitated dialogue around the three ways to save coral reefs (focusing on the decline of vulnerable ecosystems within goals and targets; Ensure targets prioritize coral reef conservation and restoration; and including existing coral reef indicators in the monitoring framework). The event would wrap up with concluding remarks.
It would be intended that a note of the discussions would be circulated to interested participants as a resource for negotiations.
Learn about the outcomes of the side event here.