Alien Invasive Species News

Regional Lionfish Committee

The Ad Hoc Committee for the Caribbean Regional Response to the Lionfish Invasion (known as ‘Regional Lionfish Committee’) was established in November 2010 (GM24) in response to the growing threat caused by the invasion of the lionfish (Pterois volitans and Pterois miles) in the Wider Caribbean. The lionfish is native to Indo-Pacific coral reef ecosystems, and was introduced into Florida waters in the late 80s to later spread across the Wider Caribbean region, establishing itself as a highly problematic alien species that poses a serious threat to coral reefs in Bermuda, the America tropics of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean islands, Central America, and northern South America.

The Regional Lionfish Committee (RLC) is the result of the combined efforts of UNEP-Caribbean Environment Programme (UNEP-CEP) and its Regional Activity Center for the Protocol on Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife of the Cartagena Convention (SPAW-RAC); and partners including the government of Mexico and its Commission on Protected Areas (CONANP), the government of the USA and its National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Reef Check Dominican Republic, CABI, REEF and representative Caribbean experts. At the last ICRI Meeting (October 2014), new Terms of Reference 
were adopted.

Map of the native range of Pterois volitans (green) and Pterois miles (blue) adapted from Schultz (1986) and Randall (2005). The star in the Mediterranean Sea denotes Lessepsian migration of P. miles via the Suez Canal (Golani and Sonin 1992). Non-native range of P. volitans and P. miles in the Americas is shown in red (from Schofield et al. 2012). Predicted future distribution of lionfish along coastal South America is shown in red hatching (from Morris and Whitfield 2009)

Activities & achievements

The RLC is one of the most active ICRI Committees. Since its creation in 2010 it has produced a number of outputs including:

Terms of Reference

Other ICRI Documents related to this AHC

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For more information on this AHC contact the ICRI Secretariat.

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