Member Type Global Intergovernmental Organization or Multilateral Environmental Agreement
United Nations Environment Programme

The United Nations Environment Programme works to protect the world’s coral reefs from the effects of climate change and other human activities.
Tropical coral reefs cover a mere 0.1 per cent of the ocean but are among the most bio-diverse ecosystems on the planet, supporting one-quarter of all marine species. They occur in over 100 countries, including more than 80 developing countries, and sustain human society through a range of ecosystem services, such as livelihoods and food security from fisheries, revenue from tourism, erosion prevention and protection from extreme weather events through dissipation of wave energy and lessening inundation and damage during storms.
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity study found that coral reefs generate up to $1.25 million per hectare from tourism, coastal protection, medical use and fisheries annually. Approximately 850 million people live within 100 km of and derive some benefits from coral reefs, with at least 275 million depending directly on reefs for livelihoods and sustenance. Reef-dependence, and consequently vulnerability to reef loss, is particularly high in small island states, in many countries in the coral triangle, and in coastal populations in developing countries.
Despite their importance, however, coral reefs are rapidly degrading. Overfishing, destructive fishing, unsustainable coastal development, nutrient and sediment loading, a range of land-based activities, warming temperatures due to climate change and ocean acidification are all placing extremely high pressure on the world’s coral reefs, and action is needed now if we are to adequately protect them. In fact, in the last 30 years, we have lost between 25 per cent and 50 per cent of the world’s live coral, and it is predicted that by mid-century we could lose functional coral reef ecosystems across most of the world.
UN Environment is contributing to reversing this trend by promoting international cooperation on the issue. To this end, we work with a wide variety of stakeholders and partners that help protect our coral reefs including:
- International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)
- Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN)
- Reef-World Foundation
- Regional Seas Programmes
- World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC)
UN Environment partnered with ICRI on a Small Grants Programme, in 2017 and 2021 designed to support projects that demonstrate and catalyse enhanced protection and management of coral reefs and related ecosystems, in particular by promoting resilience of ecosystems, dependent people and economic sectors.
Related websites:
- The Other 70%: UNEP Marine and Coastal Strategy – Annex to the member report (GM 24)
- UNEP Report to the 24th GM
- UNEP Report to the 26th General Meeting
- United Nations Environment Programme Report to the 27th ICRI General Meeting
- UNEP report to the 28th ICRI General Meeting
- UNEP report to the 29th ICRI General Meeting
- UNEP report to the 31st ICRI General Meeting (2016)
- United Nations Environment Programme report to the 32nd ICRI General Meeting
- UN Environment report to the 33rd ICRI General Meeting
- Coral reef restoration efforts recognised in UN World Restoration Flagships
- Patron of the Oceans Lewis Pugh to attempt world’s first swim across the Red Sea
- Call for applications: micro-grants for climate resilience and adaptation
- ICRI at the UN Ocean Conference
- Reef-World launches Green Fins environmental best practice for snorkeller poster
- Looking back at three productive days of events by the GCRMN
- Spotlight on… A seagrass restoration workshop in The Gambia
- ICRI/UNEP Small Grants Programme 2021 winners
- Costa Rica is implementing Green Fins Environmental Standards
- Whitepaper: opportunities for coral reefs at the ocean-climate policy nexus
- Scuba Divers Can Now Become Environmentally Certified Through Green Fins
- Rebuilding Coral Reefs: A Decadal Grand Challenge
- The plan to map every coral reef on Earth – from space
- Projections of Future Coral Bleaching Conditions using Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) CMIP6 models
- Impacts of Sand and Dust Storms on Oceans: A Scientific Environmental Assessment for Policy Makers
- A new United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Coral Reefs
- Guide to Ecological Engineering: The restoration of coral reefs and associated ecosystems
- Opportunities and challenges for community-based seagrass conservation
- UNEP and The Ocean Agency join forces with Adobe on new campaign for ocean protection
- National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action
- Taking conservation action during the COVID-19 crisis
- Inter-agency Report Focuses on the Green Economy in Marine Sectors
- World’s Largest Marine Parks Established in Cook Islands, New Caledonia
- Parrotfish key to reef survival
- New UN report warns of ‘devastating’ effects from ongoing destruction of mangrove forests
- Three projects IOC unite their efforts for the preservation of coral reefs
- Nairobi Convention COP 8 Focuses on Western Indian Ocean’s Marine and Coastal Environment Conservation
- Coral reef event at the second session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-2)
- The Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) approves first round of programming
- First GCRMN-Caribbean integrated coral reef monitoring workshop in Jamaica, April 2016
- UNEP Releases Tool to Support Coral Reef Conservation
- Resolution 2/12 on sustainable coral reefs management (UNEA 2)
- New research predicts the future of coral reefs under climate change
- Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) Pacific Workshop
- First meeting of the international coral reef policy advisory committee
- Just Released – Status and Trends of Coral Reefs of the Pacific
- High-level side-event on “The Future of Coral Reefs in a Sustainable Blue Economy”
- Billions to be gained in coral reef investment, new analysis shows
- UNEP, Japan Announce Marine Litter Initiative
- UNEP Report Recommends Policy and Management Actions to Address Plastics on Coral Reefs
- Fourth Session of UN Environment Assembly
- Financing Coral Reef Conservation and Management with Tourism-Related Tools webinar (17th July)
- ICRI/UN Environment Small Grants Programme short videos
- Dive professionals on the front line of coral reef protection
- Celebrate your love for the ocean, virtually
- Reef Resilience Network Toolkit
- UNEP launches Glowing Glowing Gone campaign on loss of coral due to climate change
- TUI Care Foundation and Reef-World empower local Youth Ambassadors to protect coral reefs in the Dominican Republic
- TUI Care Foundation and Reef-World empower local Youth Ambassadors to protect coral reefs in the Dominican Republic
- Money, political will and expertise needed to restore the world’s coral reefs
- Communities of Ocean Action
- Protection of seagrasses key to building resilience to climate change, disasters – new UN report
- UNEP/GCFI guidance document addressing Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in the Wider Caribbean
- Opportunities for coral reefs at the ocean-climate policy nexus
- UNEP Information paper about ICRI Networks
- UNEP GC- Decision 26/6: Organizing the third intergovernmental review meeting of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities
- UNEP GC – Decision 22/2. Water (IV. Coral reefs)
- Analysis of International Funding for the Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs and Associated Coastal Ecosystems
- The Coral Reef Economy
- UNEA Resolution 2/12 Sustainable coral reefs management
- UNEA 4 Sustainable coral reefs management
- Mapping Current and Future Priorities for Coral Restoration and Adaptation Programs
- ICRI Side Event: “Blue economy – Coral reefs matter”
- Pacific Coral Reefs Side Event at the 28th SPREP Meeting
- ICRI Side event at the CBD COP 13: Coral reefs in a changing world: from science to action
- High-level side-event on “The Future of Coral Reefs in a Sustainable Blue Economy”
- High Level Science Policy Dialogue – Rebuilding Coral Reefs: A Decadal Grand Challenge
- The Sixth GCRMN Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2020
- Implementing the Coral Reef Breakthrough: Monaco Ocean Week 2024
- The Coral Reef Breakthrough: The 2024 Ocean Decade Conference
- Fifth United Nations Ocean Forum on trade-related aspects of Sustainable Development Goal 14
Last Updated: 13 March 2025